
Austria - Belgium    14 - 15

#NameAst.Goals Tot.
62Daniela Setina426
48Sophie Bretschko123
14Melanie Brandl213
24Sophie Alder022
99Nina Pansy022
33Veronika Paschinger202
47Flora Scala202
72Anna Hoflacher011
91Tabea Krammer011
37Johanna Roy011
92Emilia Winter Artusio011
42Andrea Zens011
4Sandra Kniely101
19Katharina Meissl101
22Melanie Bodenstein000
39Marlen Kainzmayer000
49Magdalena Krainz000
83Katarina Ninaus000
13Cilla Rottensteiner000
7Katharina Scheidl000
9Bettina Schnedl000
94Verena Wegerth000
32Lotte Wilfing000
19Ella Cromheecke415
6Esther Vanwijck044
4Sophie Matthys033
11Silke Delafortrie213
28Perrine Dehaspe022
40Axelle Vandevelde022
27Shauni Marchand112
3Maria Castillo202
13Nadège Hombergen202
16Naomi Noels202
50Eva Reybroeck011
25Eva Maxson101
20Charlotte Peeters101
35Charlotte Advielle000
91Maria Belpaire000
9Florine Croquet000
17Anna De Baene000
49Lien Desmet000
22Aleksandra Jonas-Szatanska000
12Silke Nolf000
83Floor Van Damme000
1 - 0#62 Daniela Setina #48 Sophie Bretschko 5.555.55
2 - 0#33 Veronika Paschinger #24 Sophie Alder 11.255.30
3 - 0#47 Flora Scala #99 Nina Pansy 14.202.55
3 - 1#19 Ella Cromheecke #6 Esther Vanwijck 16.202.00
4 - 1#47 Flora Scala #37 Johanna Roy 20.254.05
4 - 2#19 Ella Cromheecke #6 Esther Vanwijck 22.252.00
5 - 2#14 Melanie Brandl #62 Daniela Setina 25.403.15
5 - 3#20 Charlotte Peeters #11 Silke Delafortrie 26.401.00
6 - 3#14 Melanie Brandl #91 Tabea Krammer 31.405.00
6 - 4#19 Ella Cromheecke #6 Esther Vanwijck 32.250.45
7 - 4#19 Katharina Meissl #99 Nina Pansy 37.255.00
7 - 5#19 Ella Cromheecke #50 Eva Reybroeck 41.254.00
7 - 6#27 Shauni Marchand #4 Sophie Matthys 46.255.00
7 - 7#3 Maria Castillo #19 Ella Cromheecke 49.253.00
8 - 7#62 Daniela Setina #72 Anna Hoflacher 53.254.00
8 - 8#11 Silke Delafortrie #23 Perrine Dehaspe 62.259.00
9 - 8#62 Daniela Setina #48 Sophie Bretschko 64.252.00
9 - 9#11 Silke Delafortrie #23 Perrine Dehaspe 77.2513.00
10 - 9#48 Sophie Bretschko #62 Daniela Setina 78.251.00
11 - 9#4 Sandra Kniely #42 Andrea Zens 79.251.00
12 - 9Callahan-goal #92 Emilia Winter Artusio 82.253.00
13 - 9#33 Veronika Paschinger #24 Sophie Alder 83.251.00
13 - 10#16 Naomi Noels #40 Axelle Vandevelde 84.251.00
13 - 11#16 Naomi Noels #27 Shauni Marchand 95.2511.00
14 - 11#62 Daniela Setina #14 Melanie Brandl 102.257.00
14 - 12#25 Eva Maxson #6 Esther Vanwijck 110.258.00
14 - 13#13 Nadège Hombergen #4 Sophie Matthys 124.2514.00
14 - 14#13 Nadège Hombergen #40 Axelle Vandevelde 131.257.00
14 - 15#3 Maria Castillo #4 Sophie Matthys 144.2513.00

Game statistics

Goals: 14 15
Time on offence: 84.20 min (58.4 %) 60.05 min (41.6 %)
Time on defence: 60.05 min (41.6 %) 84.20 min (58.4 %)
Time on offence/goal: 6.01 min 4.00 min
Time on defence/goal: 4.00 min 6.01 min
Goals from starting on offence: 8/14 (57.1 %) 9/15 (60.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 6/15 (40.0 %) 6/14 (42.9 %)
Goals from turnovers: 6 6
Time-outs: 0 0
Spirit points: 12 (2+2+3+2+3) 10 (2+2+2+2+2)
Spirit commentsThank you for the communication and really listening to us in the call and adjusting your perspective.

Game history