
Great Britain - Austria    15 - 10

Great Britain
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
32Tom Abrams123
11Tom Cartwright123
34James Mead303
10Rhodri Williams022
15Conrad Wilson022
20Ashley Yeo022
19Sam Cameron202
28Justin Foord202
27Benjamin Funk202
43Oscar Modiano202
22Joshua East011
5Alexis Long011
1William Rowledge011
3Hayden Slaughter011
98Joel Terry011
37Andrew Hillman101
6Nathan Wragg101
4Josh Awcock000
23Mark Bignal000
9Dec Cartwright000
14Ollie Gordon000
8Robbie Haines000
16Ethan Morrell000
7Andrew Warnock000
81Magnus Wilson000
11Jan Nowak606
97Alexander Spahlholz033
49Sven Kleinhapl022
24Johannes Kaufmann112
13Valentin Fischer202
27Jonathan Breitenthaler011
21Adrian Collantes011
34Florian Moik011
23David Rigger011
3Jakob Dunshirn101
78Christoph Angetter000
52Sebastian Bauer000
18Jan Bobinec000
40Leon Dovits000
47Konrad Eisenberger000
48Adrian Ernst000
7Maximiliano Gubo000
33Marius Hochmeier000
44Clemens Kogard000
25Philipp Krail000
4Maximilian Obermayer000
77Nikolaus Rapottnig000
92Max Schmied000
42Lukas Sellemond000
19Andreas Skyllouriotis000
30Lorenz Zerlauth000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1#13 Valentin Fischer #21 Adrian Collantes 1.551.55
Offence 0.00
1 - 1#28 Justin Foord #20 Ashley Yeo 3.451.50
1 - 2#11 Jan Nowak #27 Jonathan Breitenthaler 6.152.30
1 - 3#3 Jakob Dunshirn #24 Johannes Kaufmann 8.352.20
2 - 3#28 Justin Foord #22 Joshua East 12.153.40
3 - 3#43 Oscar Modiano #15 Conrad Wilson 15.102.55
3 - 4#11 Jan Nowak #49 Sven Kleinhapl 20.305.20
4 - 4#27 Benjamin Funk #1 William Rowledge 23.553.25
4 - 5#11 Jan Nowak #49 Sven Kleinhapl 28.104.15
Timeout 25.50
5 - 5#27 Benjamin Funk #11 Tom Cartwright 30.202.10
6 - 5#6 Nathan Wragg #10 Rhodri Williams 35.054.45
6 - 6#11 Jan Nowak #97 Alexander Spahlholz 38.002.55
7 - 6#34 James Mead #20 Ashley Yeo 41.253.25
Timeout 38.35
7 - 7#11 Jan Nowak #97 Alexander Spahlholz 44.303.05
Timeout 42.10
8 - 7#32 Tom Abrams #11 Tom Cartwright 47.002.30
8 - 8#24 Johannes Kaufmann #34 Florian Moik 59.056.35
Timeout 55.45
9 - 8#11 Tom Cartwright #32 Tom Abrams 62.453.40
9 - 9#13 Valentin Fischer #23 David Rigger 71.459.00
10 - 9#34 James Mead #32 Tom Abrams 74.002.15
11 - 9#37 Andrew Hillman #15 Conrad Wilson 79.155.15
11 - 10#11 Jan Nowak #97 Alexander Spahlholz 85.356.20
Timeout 82.30
12 - 10#34 James Mead #5 Alexis Long 88.453.10
13 - 10#19 Sam Cameron #3 Hayden Slaughter 93.455.00
14 - 10#19 Sam Cameron #98 Joel Terry 96.252.40
15 - 10#43 Oscar Modiano #10 Rhodri Williams 100.053.40

Game official: Ana & Dominick

Game statistics

Great BritainAustria
Goals: 15 10
Time on offence: 35.00 min (37.0 %) 59.35 min (63.0 %)
Time on defence: 59.35 min (63.0 %) 35.00 min (37.0 %)
Time on offence/goal: 2.20 min 5.57 min
Time on defence/goal: 5.57 min 2.20 min
Goals from starting on offence: 9/11 (81.8 %) 8/14 (57.1 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 6/14 (42.9 %) 2/11 (18.2 %)
Goals from turnovers: 6 2
Time-outs: 3 2
Spirit points: 8 (2+2+1+1+2) 9 (2+2+2+1+2)
Spirit commentsFair-mindedness: The first half would have resulted in a 0, they did not inform Teammates about wrong and unnecessary calls. In situations where their sideline had a good perspective and a opinion to the advantage of our Team, that they did share with the sideline, they did not try to inform their Teammates of their opinion. This improved during the second half, hence the one, but we didn't feel like the calls were made irrespective of the score. (This has been discussed with their Spirit C.)

Game history