
Latvia (Mixed)


EUC 2023 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
0Ģirts Betmanis10404
5Ieva Grabe10213
7Bruno Jurginsons10211435
8Lāsma Kublicka1021113
10Elvis Zeltins9011
11Laura Sāmiete10213
13Līga Zāģere10011
17Linda Gulbe10178
19Kristiāna Buldure10077
23Ģirts Zaķis10279
25Toms Ābeltiņš10232548
27Katrīna Ance Gasiņa10235
28Kaspars Krauklis10112
35Gundega Pastore10134
36Ēriks Podgurskis1013215
47Jēkabs Eglītis10101
64Santa Sinica10538
85Helēna Orlovska10000
91Emīls Elksnītis103811
96Maris Luksevics1000
99Arvīds Žanis Orlovskis10403070

EUC 2023:

Division: Mixed

Latvia 12 - 15 Italy  Game play
Hungary 10 - 15 Latvia  Game play
Great Britain 15 - 5 Latvia  Game play
Germany 15 - 13 Latvia  Game play
Ireland 15 - 14 Latvia  Game play
Latvia 15 - 13 Czech Republic  Game play
Finland 9 - 15 Latvia XPQ5  Game play
Ireland 15 - 13 Latvia XQ2  Game play
Poland 14 - 15 Latvia XS4  Game play
Germany 15 - 8 Latvia XP5  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
outdoor104640.0 %12512.513613.6-11
Total104640.0 %12512.513613.6-11
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
EUC 2023Mixed6104640.0%12512.513613.6-11

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Hungary212128Bit naughty when girls marker on boys. Too much body contact.
Great Britain2132210Thank you Latvia for the game! We thought there was some contact throughout the game that was sometimes initiated by both teams and we can all improve on that. We thought you were also very fair minded and good luck in the rest of the tournament!
Ireland2233212Absolutely amazing game! We thought you were very willing to accept any calls we made even in super intense moments. Your positive attitude was amazing throughout the game.
Czech Republic2333314
Finland2223211Fouls could have been 3 but there were repeteadly contact when marker arrives on spot even though we told about it. But receiving situations were especially clean and we appreciate that. The interaction was calm and effectively even though they had warned they might seem aggressive. They give us compliments.

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Great Britain2223312
Ireland2212310FM - as noted in spirit circle, we felt that you were not willing to receive the same level of physicality as you provided; we felt a bit of inconsistency of calls during the second half of the game (comparing to the first). Otherwise - we enjoyed the game a lot, thank your that! :)
Czech Republic2242212The fair-mindedness was outstanding and remained consistent throughout the game. Thank you!