
Hungary (Mixed)


EUC 2023 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
3Luca Takács106612
7Júlia Halász1001111
10Márton Paksai922527
14Luca Sára Paksai1031417
17Melinda Kollár-Nagy1022628
21Ádám Szalóky10639
33Luca Lurvig1001717
49Gréta Hartai1011011
55Ábel Csillag57512
56Bence Tóth105611
67Bálint Szeredás9033
68Anna Pasztendorf10527
84Bence Csiba1014519
85Bence Farkas1021214
99Ferenc Klement1019827

EUC 2023:

Division: Mixed

Hungary 3 - 15 Great Britain  Game play
Hungary 10 - 15 Latvia  Game play
Italy 15 - 12 Hungary  Game play
Hungary 11 - 15 Switzerland  Game play
Belgium 13 - 15 Hungary  Game play
Denmark 9 - 14 Hungary  Game play
Hungary 15 - 10 Norway  Game play
Poland 15 - 12 Hungary XPQ1  Game play
Slovakia 15 - 10 Hungary XQ7  Game play
Belgium 15 - 11 Hungary XS8  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
outdoor103730.0 %11311.313713.7-24
Total103730.0 %11311.313713.7-24
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
EUC 2023Mixed15103730.0%11311.313713.7-24

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Great Britain2233212Thank you for an excellent game, we think you have improved so much since 4 years ago and we really enjoyed the game!
Switzerland121228We had the feeling that there occured a lot of marking infractions and not going down in the stall count led to violations. Therefore, we recommend the team to go over the WFDF rules.
Denmark011125There was no willingness to listen to our side. They did not know a lot of the rules. There was a lot of fast counting and marking infractions. There were several dangerous plays, also across gender, and the player(s) involved were not willing to understand even when it caused injuries.
Norway122218We felt that the players were not open to hear the reasoning behind our calls before they contested it. We also felt that the players didnt know the rules to the extent that is expected at this level.
Slovakia113128Common double teams, there was also too much unnecessary contact, for example defender stoping into our player. There were also instances of unrespectful and taunting communication and attitude, just by one player, for example he mocked our cheer, when it seemed that their player got injured he said 'congratulations' to our player involved. We believe this behaviour doesn't belong in the ultimate community
Belgium121228We give a 1 on rules knowledge because of the issues following the gender rules. We feel the contact during the game was often unnecessary , and give a 1 for fairmindness because after the contact we feel you always wanted to resolve the discussion in your favor instead of being openminded about the situation

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Great Britain2223211Very positive attitude, even when the score was not tight they continued being serious.
Latvia212128Bit naughty when girls marker on boys. Too much body contact.
Italy2242212The sideline was helpful, even when it was a disadvantage for Italy.
Switzerland2332313Everything was more than okey.